NO.3 2001.3

[TITLE] Studies on Stock Fluctuation and the Ecological Changes in Eggs and Larvae of the Japanese Sardine along the Pacific Coast of Japan
[AUTHER] Hiromu Zenitani
[LANGAGE] Japanese
[PAGES] 1-45
[KEY WORDS] sardine,spawning area, larvae, eggs, nutritional condition, mathematical analysis

[TITLE] Surface Swarm and Shore Stranding of the Euphausiid Euphausia nana in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
[AUTHER] Yukio Hanamura, Masato Kamizono, and Sachie Katayama
[LANGAGE] English
[PAGES] 47-51
[KEY WORDS] surface swarm, shore stranding, Crustacea, Euphausiacea, Euphausia nana, Seto Inland Sea

[TITLE] Carbon and Nitrogen Contents of Seaweeds in Hiroshima Bay, the Seto Inland Sea
[AUTHER] Goro Yoshida, Masayuki Uchimura, Koji Yoshikawa, and Toshinobu Terawaki
[LANGAGE] Japanese
[PAGES] 53-61
[KEY WORDS] seaweed, carbon and nitrogen content, C:N ratio, seasonal variation, biomass, Hiroshima Bay

[TITLE] Disapperance of Caulerpa okamurae (Weber-van Bosse in Okamura) on the Southeast Coast of Atadajima Island, Hiroshima Bay Due to Typhoon
[AUTHER] Masayuki Uchimura, Goro Yoshida, Koji Yshikawa, Shogo Arai, and Toshinobu Terawaki
[LANGAGE] Japanese
[PAGES] 63-71
[KEY WORDS] seasonal change, vertical and horizonal distribution, typhoon, green algae, Caulerpa okamurae, Hiroshima bay

[TITLE] Horizonal and Vertical Distribution patterns of Macro-algae in Hiroshima Bay, Western Seto Inland Sea
[AUTHER] Toshinobu Terawaki, Koji Yoshikawa, Goro Yoshida, Masayuki Uchimura, and Shogo Arai
[LANGAGE] Japanese
[PAGES] 73-81
[KEY WORDS] Horizonal and Vertical Distribution Patterns, Macro-algae, Seto Inland sea, Hiroshima Bay

[TITLE] Effect of Vitamins on the Growth of the Harmful Red Tide Dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama Horiguchi
[AUTHER] Takuji Uchida, Mineo Yamaguchi, Yukihiko Matsuyama, and Tsueo Honjo
[LANGAGE] English
[PAGES] 83-88
[KEY WORDS] harmful dinoflagellate, Heterocapsa circularisquama, thiamine, vitamin B12, vitamin requirement